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CIB Bank currency rates

Letölthető árfolyamok TXT | XML

Letölthető árfolyamok

Az árfolyamok letölthetők .txt és .xml formátumban is.

Példa a fájlok elérésére:

  • https://www.cib.hu/exportExchangeRatesArchive/CIB-HUF-EUR-20230901-20230921-COMMERCIAL.txt
  • https://www.cib.hu/exportExchangeRatesArchive/CIB-HUF-EUR-20230901-20230921-COMMERCIAL.xml
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9. Bank card, and e-channel cancellation, phising
Automatic card cancellation
9 1
Automatic e-channel cancellation
9 2
To connect an operator
9 0
1. Identification
Balance inquiry and account information
1 1
Mobile app registration code and digital services
1 2
Savings and investment
1 3
Activate your card, Card and mobile payment services
1 4
Loan and leasing
1 5
1 6
1 7
2. Without identification
Bank card
2 1
Digital services
2 2
2 3
Loan and leasing
2 4
General account information
2 5
2 6
2 7
4. -
4 1
4 2
4 3
4 4